Course Details

Packages/Individual Product
Note : Make your own package selecting any products from the Product List.
SNO Subject/Package Type Price Buy
{{index+1}} {{product.title}} {{(product.type?product.type.valueAlias:'')}} {{product.mrp}} /-- Select Added    

Selected Product = {{this.selectedProduct.cost}}   +  Added Product = {{cartTotal}}

Student Details

{{ errors.first('firstName') }}
{{ errors.first('middleName') }}
{{ errors.first('lastName') }}
{{ errors.first('email') }}
{{ errors.first('mobile') }}
{{ errors.first('category') }}
{{ errors.first('caste') }}
{{ errors.first('religion') }}
{{ errors.first('nationality') }}
{{ errors.first('aadharNumber') }}
{{ errors.first('motherTongue') }}
{{ errors.first('languageKnown') }}
{{ errors.first('distanceFromSchool') }}

Ex-Student Of Institute

Are you old Student of This Institute * : Yes    No

{{ errors.first('exSrn') }}
{{ errors.first('exSession') }}
{{ errors.first('exProgram') }}



{{ errors.first('Correspondance Address') }}
{{ errors.first('landmark') }}
{{ errors.first('city') }}
{{ errors.first('state') }}
{{ errors.first('pincode') }}


Same as correspondence address

Father's Details

{{ errors.first('fatherName') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherAge') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherEmail') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherMobile') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherQualification') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherOccupation') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherDesignation') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherNationality') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherAadharNumber') }}
{{ errors.first('fatherAnnualIncome') }}

Mother's Details

{{ errors.first('motherName') }}
{{ errors.first('motherAge') }}
{{ errors.first('motherEmail') }}
{{ errors.first('motherMobile') }}
{{ errors.first('motherQualification') }}
{{ errors.first('motherOccupation') }}
{{ errors.first('motherDesignation') }}
{{ errors.first('motherNationality') }}
{{ errors.first('motherAadharNumber') }}
{{ errors.first('motherAnnualIncome') }}

Sibling's Details

Add More
{{ errors.first('siblingName') }}
{{ errors.first('siblingAge') }}
{{ errors.first('siblingInstitute') }}
{{ errors.first('siblingStandard') }}

Medical History

Birth History

{{ errors.first('birthDetail') }}
{{ errors.first('birthCry') }}
{{ errors.first('dischargeInDays') }}
{{ errors.first('specialCare') }}
{{ errors.first('ifNICU') }}


{{ errors.first('hearingDifficulty') }}
{{ errors.first('hearingConsultation') }}

Vision History

{{ errors.first('visionUseLenses') }}
{{ errors.first('visionConsultation') }}

Mile Stones

{{ errors.first('sitting') }}
{{ errors.first('standing') }}
{{ errors.first('walking') }}
{{ errors.first('speech') }}
{{ errors.first('medicationForMedicalCondition') }}
{{ errors.first('medicationForWellBeing') }}
{{ errors.first('medicationForalergy') }}


{{ errors.first('howDidHearAboutInstitute') }}

Emergency Contact Details

{{ errors.first('emergencyName') }}
{{ errors.first('emergencyMobile') }}
{{ errors.first('emergencyRelation') }}

Product Details

Details of product you selected for registration

Program/Product Session Total Amount
{{selectedProduct.title}} 2018-19 {{products[registerData.productIndex].cost}} /--
{{allRelatedProducts[product].title}} 2018-19 {{allRelatedProducts[product].cost}} /--
Total {{}} /--

Payment Details

Choose payment option and method to get register

{{(paymentOptions[activePmtOptionIndex].amount)}} /-- {{(paymentOptions[activePmtOptionIndex].amount)}}/-

Successfully Registerd!!

Your user ID and password sent on your registered number.
